06. 01. 2025.

Život u visokim potpeticama

Visoke potpetice često povezujemo sa elegancijom, sofisticiranošću i nekim formalnim događajima. Žene ih prosto obožavaju a muškarce nikad ne ostavljaju ravnodušnim.

Međutim u drugi plan se stavlja činjenica da nošenje visokih potpetica može da dovede do različitih deformiteta pre svega stopala, zatim kičme pa samim tim i celokupnog skeleta.

Kada lekari govore o optimumu kada je visina u pitanju, pominju visinu od 5 cm koja je idealna i maksimalna zbod raspodele težine celokupnog tela na stopala.

Kako im ne možemo odoleti a ima se u vidu da se nošenje visokih potpetica može redukovati i da se žene mogu opredeliti da visoke potpetice nose u pojedinim situacijama i to ne svakodnevno i po ceo dan, onda govorimo o zadovoljstvu koje ne treba izbegavati.

Život u visokim potpeticama – crne salonke

Neprevaziđena modna osnova u cipelarniku svake žene su crne salonke sa vrlo visokom potpeticom. Trendovi se naravno vremenom menjaju te tako nastaju različite varijacije na istu temu. Ove i prethodnih godina, a po svemu sudeći i narednih par godina najmodernije su crne salonke od materijala koji je sličan satenu neretko ukrašene šnalom od cirkona.

Život u visokim potpeticama – Steve Maden crne salonke

U ovom tekstu odlučila sam da vam predstavim moje idealne crne Steve Maden salonke sa vrlo visokom tankom potpeticom i sjajnom šnalom na vrhu.

S obzirom na njihovu visinu, ne mogu reći da predstavljaju najudobniji par obuće koji imam ali su svakako najelegentnije. Kako ne poseduju platformu u prednjem delu njihova stabilnost je upitna zbog visine. Međutim savršeno su uklopive uz sve odevne kombinacije, a zbog svoje forme savršeno izdužuju figuru.

Moja preporuka je da ih nosite na crne farmerice ili elegantne pantalone visokog struka koje imaju dužinu do članaka jer će tako najbolje doći do izražaja dužina vaših nogu, elegancija kao i specifičan stil koji će krasiti celu odevnu kombinaciju.


Life in high heels

High heels are often associated with elegance, sophistication, and formal events. Women simply adore them and they never leave men indifferent.

However, the fact that wearing high heels can lead to various deformities, primarily in the feet and spine, and therefore the entire skeleton, is often overlooked.

When doctors talk about the optimum heel height, they mention a height of 5 cm, which is ideal and maximum for the distribution of the body weight on the feet.

Since we can't resist them and considering that wearing high heels can be reduced and women can choose to wear them in certain situations and not every day and all day long, we are talking about a pleasure that should not be avoided.

Life in high heels - black pumps

The unparalleled fashion foundation in every woman's shoe collection are black pumps with a very high heel. Of course, trends change over time, so different variations on the same theme emerge. These and previous years, and apparently the next few years, the most fashionable black pumps are made of a material similar to satin and often adorned with a cubic zirconia buckle.

Life in high heels - Steve Madden black pumps

In this text, I decided to present my ideal black Steve Madden pumps with a very high, thin heel and a shiny buckle on top. Given their height, I can't say they're the most comfortable pair of shoes I have, but they're certainly the most elegant. Since they don't have a platform in the front, their stability is questionable due to their height. However, they are perfectly combinable with all clothing combinations, and due to their shape, they perfectly elongate the figure.

My recommendation is to wear them with black jeans or elegant high-waisted pants that are ankle-length, as this will best emphasize the length of your legs, elegance, and a specific style that will adorn the entire outfit.



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